
Visible Spaces is a company that provides professional high-access maintenance services across England.

Our team of IPAF qualified operators can carry out a variety of works and is happy to assist with any project.

We have invested in an extensive range of Nifty Lift cherry pickers and access platforms, allowing us to offer very competitive rates for all internal and external painting and maintenance contracts. Our machines are new and have regular services according to the LOLER regulations.

We offer a range of services including property maintenance, facade cleaning, roof maintenance, interior and exterior painting and decorating services.

Our team has steadily grown to include skilled workers who deliver high-quality workmanship to businesses across the South East of England.

We also provide external cleaning services for most external finishes, including cladding, stone and Monocouche Render.

Our DOFF steam cleaning system is safe and effective on delicate materials and kills any bacteria on the walls that cause premature discolouration.

Our team is now FLEXITEC -multi-surface GRP roofing system qualified:

Our team is also IPAF-qualified for Static Boom and Mobile Boom: